FAIRWork Webinar #11


Digital twin context in FAIRWork use cases

Organizer: Jotne Connect
Date/Time: January 26, 2024 09:30 - 10:00 CET
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Virtual Location (password after registration): https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87936222985
This presentation by Jotne, delves into the Digital Twin’s implementation within the context of FAIRWork use case scenario CRF workload balance. We will start by introducing the concept of Digital Twin Systems and its components. The presentation progresses to illustrate practical steps on creating standards based digital representations using the DAI-DSS Knowledge Base (EDMtruePLM). Furthermore, in this webinar we’ll show how relevant data is collected and stored in Knowledge Base through the created digital representations. In the end the webinar provides insights into leveraging AI services for decision support powered by the data for optimal worker allocations.


What is Digital twin?

Creating Digital twins in Knowledge Base (EDMtruePLM)

Implementation of Digital twins in FAIRWork Use case CRF workload balance

Leveraging Digital Twin data by AI services for decision support in CRF workload balance
